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Showing posts from August, 2017

Money Matters - July

July was a long money month. There were five weekends and five Mondays. Thankfully, I ended up staying within my means and even had some extra money to put into my travel fund. Best Purchases 1) New bathing suit at Target. I've never worn a bikini before and was in an "I don't care what people think" mood so I bought a bikini! I wear it every time I go to the pool or beach now! 2) Trashcan at Costco. Yes that was one of my best purchases. I'm picky in that I wanted stainless steel with a closeable lid. Do you know those things cost at least $50 if not more...even at Wal-Mart? Well, Costco had an eco-friendly, motion sensor stainless steel for $30. It went home with me that day! Regrettable Purchases 1) Blackfinn Pub - I spent $9.00 on a glass of wine when I could have bought a whole bottle of the same wine for the same price at Total Wine. I was quite the active little introvert during July, however, a lot of the activities included meals which made meal ...